>Qatar Building a Fleet of Remote Controlled Clouds

Posted on March 27, 2011



Well this has been on the news for some time now, Qatar is planning on building a fleet of remote controlled clouds over their soccer stadium for the 2022 World Cup. This cloud is supposed to give the players a cool atmosphere to play in and ultimately preventing them from suffering a heat stroke due to the sun blasting down over their backs. Now had it been any other country in the world other than this ultra rich country it would be cheaper to just build a roof over the entire complex. But being one of the wealthiest nations in the world then of course they have to go one step further and build this $500,000 Dollar artificial cloud. And not just ONE cloud… a fleet of them about 7 of them. They will be operated by remote control, made of 100 percent light carbonic materials, and are considered “air craft” minus the ability to hold any weight. The actual specs on the clouds remain a secret but I cant imagine how heavy they can be. Instead of building these clouds, they should spend the money and build a roof made out of LCD screens and fake their own sun set, night sky, sunny day, etc. But that’s just my opinion. I know that the Stadium has to host something shocking and something NEW and out of the Ordinary, but an LCD rooftop would be much more shocking than an artificial flying roof.
And actually this isn’t the first time anyone has tried to build one of these things, maybe it is in real life, but Mr. Burns from the Simpsons tried to do the same thing in the 1995 air of “Who Shot Mr. Burns“, and in 2002 South Park’s Professor Chaos also tried to do the same thing but gave up in his master plan after he found out it wasn’t an original idea.
Read more at Yahoo Sports
Posted in: Future, Science, Sports